Amazon's Cashierless Supermarkets

Grocery Shopping with No Checkout Lines Source: Amazon Amazon Tech - Amazon Go Amazon is introducing a grocery shopping experience with no checkout lines. Your grocery shopping is monitored by cameras, machine learning and a smartphone app. When you leave the supermarket, you're automatically billed for your purchases by Amazon. There are no checkout lines, no cashiers. It's grocery shopping ease through new Amazon technology which it's expected to rollout and expand store operations in the first quarter of 2020. The base technology is Amazon Go. Amazon Go Amazon is a global retailing behemoth created by entrepreneurs Jeff Bezos and his mother, first to sell books. It's made Jeff Bezos, by expanding his retail lines way beyond books, into the #1 or #2 richest person in the world. It's only natural that Bezos would target grocery shopping through his proprietary online technology in a big way. It looks like he's ready to greatly ...