
Showing posts with the label #dog ownership health benefits

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane NEW SCIENCE:  BIG HEALTH BENEFITS FROM FIDO                                                                              Source:  Win Kane   Major university studies, including by researchers at Purdue University, suggest dog ownership offers tangible health benefits. Here's what we know: Some key benefits: A.  Regular physical activity of walking and playing with a dog helps to prevent Cardiovascular disease Cancer mortality Hypertension Osteoarthritis Type 2 diabetes B. Regular dog companionship helps to prevent Depression Stress Cognitive decline Bottomline:  consider yourself a great beneficiary in owning a dog:  you have a therapist, loyal companion, life coach and top well-wisher, all rolled into one furry best friend.  My beautiful Winnie attests to this 24/7. MIT PORTABLE FINGERNAIL SCANNER CAN CUT CANCER HOSPITALIZATIONS 50%                                                                      Sourc