Hot Electric Vehicles for the 2020's

Top EV Vehicles in the Pipeline and Readying for Market EV News You Can Use The 2020's will be the decade of all-electric vehicles with zero emissions. As journalists, Ed Kane and I are closely watching and reporting on the EV mega-trends. EVs are a top means of fighting toxic fumes from gas guzzling cars, planes, motorcycles and fighting Climate Change. EV technology is poised to make a positive difference for the global environment. Handy Book for 2020's EVs We've just published a new book "Hot Electric Vehicles for the 2020's" by Edward Kane and co-authored by me, Maryanne Kane. It's being published now as an e-book on Kindle. The book showcases the hottest EVs in the pipeline for rollout in the 2020's. EV vehicles included in the book are SUVs, sedans, pickup trucks, planes, flying cars, scooters, motorbikes, motorcycles, watercraft and more from global companies. To check for availability, free borrows and reads, go to...