Xmas Kid Gift: "How Dare You" by Journalist Ed Kane

Free Sample Chapter: Adventure Fiction Book for Children Cross Country Running, Forest of Fireflies and Life Lessons for Kids For your enjoyment, here's a sample chapter of journalist/author Ed Kane's 5-star rated children's adventure fiction story "How Dare You". It's available as an e-book, paperback and audiobook. It's designed to provide kids and their parents with an enchanting adventure story embedded with life lessons for all of us. Chapter One – A New Life Everyone called her Cordy ever since she could remember. Her parents and teachers used her full name Cordelia when they thought she was being naughty or wanted her attention. “Cordelia stop dressing the dog in your winter hats”, her mother would say. “He’s a boy for God’s sake!” “Master your math, Cordelia. A student who masters math masters the world,” Ms. Mapes told her. Forest of Fireflies Cordy Runs Through "Really, Ms. Mapes” ...