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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE:  NON-STOP TRANSATLATIC FLIGHT BY BUTTERFLIES                                                                                           Source:  Stock This is being called the 1st documented case of insects flying non-stop across an entire ocean.  Experts say it's an extraordinary achievement in biological discovery.  Here are some key facts: A flock of nearly 3,000 Painted Lady butterflies flew nearly 4,350 miles non-stop across the Atlantic from Europe to South America The creatures were spotted on a beach in French Guiana in South America in 2013 by entomologist Gerard Talavera They aren't native to South America and to get there, Talavera knew they had to fly across the ocean, making it the world's 1st non-stop transoceanic flight by insects ever discovered To prove it has taken years of scientific due diligence including the use of DNA analysis to prove where the butterflies came f