
Showing posts with the label #world's oldest wine

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane HUMAN FACE FROM 300,000 YEARS AGO SIMILAR TO US                                                  Source:  Cicero Moraes The face of our oldest ancestor from 300,000 year ago has been recreated thanks to the latest in technology.  It is remarkably similar to us.  Here are some key facts: Using a 3D scan of the skull and the latest in computer technology, Brazilian graphics expert Cicero Moraes brought the 300,000-year-old face back to life Moraes used data provided by researchers at the Max Planck Institute Features of the face like the jaw and teeth are very similar to humans today The fossils were found in Morocco at the Jebel Irhoud site Very advanced technology was used by the Max Planck researchers to retrieve the fossils Big discovery - the fossils prove that humans evolved 100,000 years earlier than previously thought Moraes describes the 300,000-year-old man as "strong and serene" If you ever w