Secret Agent Fish

DARPA's Underwater Intelligence Agents

It's almost too good to be true.  The US Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA - is deploying fish and other marine life as underwater James Bonds.  The research project is called the "Persistent Aquatic Living Sensors Program".  DARPA wants to gather the responses of living marine life like shellfish to underwater vehicles.  The data would be relayed back through a hardware network that also gathers and interprets the fish responses.

Aquatic Surveillance

This research is no tall fish tale.  DARPA is a global epicenter of innovation.  It created the internet, GPS, cloud computing and much more. Its mission is to provide the US military with overwhelming technological advantages.  DARPA scientists believe that monitoring marine life's reaction to their environment will better track enemy manned and unmanned vehicles.  They plan on using crustaceans, mollusks and certain types of fish as a sensor network. This to protect US naval vehicles from threats.

Big Advantages Over Current Sensor Systems

DARPA scientists believe there are big advantages to monitoring how marine life reacts and adapts to changes in the sea environment.  They say the organisms can sense stimuli such as chemicals, electrical, tactile, acoustic and optical.  Current sensor systems require a wealth of resources and are utilized for specific assets like aircraft carriers.  If this fish sensor system succeeds, it would provide more widespread levels of detection.

No Harm to Sea Organisms and Environment

The DARPA program will not alter, train or modify the living sea creatures in any way.  And the hardware network that DARPA will create is designed to collect data from a 1640 feet distance without disturbing the sea environment and sea creatures in any way.

For a podcast with DARPA leadership  


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