China's AI Detects Prostate Cancer

Medical Tech Breakthrough From China

Prostate Cancer Scientists in China have developed a learning artificial intelligence software that can detect prostate cancer.  This tech breakthrough may lead to the diagnosis of other forms of cancers.

Accurate Diagnoses
The AI diagnosis and identification of the cancerous prostate samples were as accurate as that of any pathologist. The accuracy rate is 99.3%.  Researchers at Nanjing University, who developed it, say the AI won't replace pathologists but help them make better and faster diagnoses. Additionally, this breakthrough may streamline and eliminate variations in the process of cancer diagnosis.  And, eventually it may lead to an automated prostate cancer diagnosis.

Most Common Form of Cancer in Men
Prostate cancer has become the most common form of cancer in men.  1.1 million are diagnosed with it every year.  The Chinese software can accurately identify and classify the level of malignancy of the cancer.  This can eliminate the variability that sometimes comes with human diagnoses.

AI Diagnosis to Overcome Local Shortages of Pathologists
Importantly, this new software can accurately classify the malignant levels of prostate cancer.  It can also overcome any local shortages of pathologists around the world.  Thereby speeding up the detection and treatment of the disease.


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