Self-Healing Robots & Electronics

Carnegie Mellon University's "Miraculous" Liquid Metal Droplets Enable Self-Healing Electronics

This is a tech wonder.  Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have created a substance that spontaneously repairs itself under extreme mechanical damage.  The scientists say it could be used to build self-repairing robots and wearable computing, among other leading-edge tech.

Breakthrough New Material
The soft-matter composite material is composed of liquid metal droplets suspended in a soft elastomer. When damaged the droplets rupture to form new connections and they reroute electrical signals without any interruptions.  Circuits made of traces of the material remain fully operational even when severed.

Exciting Uses Like Wearable Computing
The differentiators in this self-healing material are its flexibility and softness just like natural skin.  That primes it for wearable computing and soft humanoid robots that are safe with human. Other applications are bio-inspired robotics, self-healing robots and human-machine interactions.  The material allows the electronics and robotics to withstand everyday wear and tear without losing their functionality.  That's a first.


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