Stanford's New Tech Detects Cancer Early

Early Cancer Detection and Precision Treatment
Magnetic Wire
Stanford University researchers have developed a new magnetic method for early cancer detection.  The method involves a tiny magnetic wire which is used to capture cancer cells from blood vessels.  The wire is threaded into the vein and can attract special magnetic nanoparticles, which are engineered to glom onto tumor cells.  Tumor cells roam the blood stream if you have a tumor somewhere in the body.

Early Treatment
The magnetized wire can loosen tumor cells out of the blood stream because the cells are essentially magnetized.  It enables early detection of tumor cells which allows early treatment.  The earlier cancer is treated, the better the results.

Precision Therapies
Another very exciting aspect of this new tech tool.  The technique helps doctors evaluate a patient's response to cancer treatments.  If the cancer therapy is working, the tumor cell level should rise as the cells die and breakaway.

Treatment for Other Diseases
Importantly, the magnetic wire could be useful for other diseases.  An example is a bacterial infection.  The technology can isolate where the cells responsible for the inflammation can be detected.  That, in turn, enables targeted therapies.


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