Type 2 Diabetes Reversed by Fasting

Potential Weapon Against Diabetes

Diabetes Insulin Management Technology in Use

Fasting Cuts Need for Insulin
Medical findings reported in the BMJ Case Report document that planned intermittent fasting may help to reverse Type 2 Diabetes.  Three patients in the care of doctors who fasted were able to cut the need for insulin completely and quickly.  With planned, intermittent fasting their blood glucose levels were back in control.

Diabetes is a Big Health Problem
1 in 10 people in the US and Canada have diabetes.  It costs the US economy alone $245 billion per year.  Drugs help patients control their diabetes but they don't stop the progression of the disease. Medical researchers have been searching for a cure for decades.

First, Preliminary but Impressive Results on Fasting
The findings are an informational study as only 3 patients, all men, are involved.  The men have Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  Under their doctors' care, they tried fasting intermittently - essentially every other day.  They've stayed with the regimen for 10 months.  One patient was off insulin in 5 days.  The other 2 didn't need any insulin within a month.  This is the first time that planned fasting was medically tried.  The results are fascinating.


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