Adidas Goes AR

Using Augmented Reality to Sell Limited Edition Sneaks

Source:  Adidas AG

Cuts Sales Process from Hours to a Few Minutes
It's a time consuming and often frustrating process to buy much in demand, limited edition sneakers.  Adidas AG is changing the playing field.  It has just started deploying augmented reality to upend the process.

Adidas AR App
The company debuted an AR app at its big ComplexCom event in Long Beach, California.  Interested attendees downloaded an AR app that told them where to go in the complex to "Unlock the Drop".  Once there, they used their smartphones to follow instructions to pick a size, check out and where to pick up the sneakers.  All done with no sales staff interaction.  And most importantly the process took a few minutes, instead of hours.

Ramping Up AR
Adidas says it's focusing heavily on utilizing augmented reality as a means of increasing access to their most desired products.  Company officials say what they just unveiled is the tip of the iceberg in their plans for deploying augmented reality.


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