Barreling Across the Atlantic

French Adventurer Crossing Atlantic in a Barrel
Jean-Jacques Savin Atop His Barrel

Oceanic Entrepreneur Barreling by Currents
He's being called The French Barrel Man.  71 year old Jean-Jacques Savin is a retired military parachutist and French innovator-adventurer.  He is making his way across the Atlantic Ocean in a big orange barrel that's actually a sophisticated barrel-shaped capsule.   Savin is taking a very innovative approach.  The craft is being transported and guided solely by ocean currents.  He is literally barreling across the Atlantic

Destination - Caribbean
Savin left the Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa on December 26.  He hopes to reach the Caribbean by the end of March.  The craft is travelling at 1 to 2 miles per hour.  There's a porthole that allows him to observe fish swimming underneath the barrel.  And, he's dropping markers along the way to allow the international marine observatory organization JCOMMOPS to study ocean currents.

He built the barrel, which resembles a wine barrel, himself.  It took quite a few months.  He told the AFP that he does have two bottles of wine onboard - one to celebrate the New Year, the other to mark his birthday.  The craft is equipped with a kitchen, sleeping area and storage space.  We'll keep you posted on his daring oceanic venture.  He communicates by phone and says so far, so good.


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