Important Innovations Collection: Morphing Flying Drones to the Rescue

Foldable, Very Agile Drones for Search and Rescue

New Drone Innovation from University of Zurich
This is important new flying drone innovation, that just has been invented by scientists at the University of Zurich in Switzerland.  The quadrotor drones morph in shape to fly through holes and crevices. The innovation, say the scientists, was inspired by the flight of birds, which fold their wings to fly through narrow spaces.  They've duplicated those mechanics in their drone.

My colleague Ed Kane has posted a news blog on this just announced innovation

Important Innovations Collection: Morphing Flying Drones to the Rescue: Drone Innovation Source:  UZH Foldable, Highly Agile Drones for Search and Rescue Researchers at the University of Zurich have inve...


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