Important Update on Important Innovations

Important Innovations:  Collection

Robotic Innovation:  Robot Band

Thank you for reading our news blogs on Important Innovations and Important Innovations:  Collection.  We are journalists dedicated to providing the latest news on innovations changing our lives.

My colleague Ed Kane and I have authored 4 and soon to be 5 books Important Innovations:  Collection on innovations in Travel, Robotics, AI-AR-VR and Energy.  We are about to publish book 5 on the environment on Amazon's Kindle e-books, paperbacks and audiobooks.

If you have a moment to take a read and if you enjoy it, please provide a good review. We would greatly appreciate it. Having some good reviews on Kindle is vital to visibility on Amazon where millions of books are available 24/7.

Important Innovations:  Collection books are fun, fast news stories we've written to provide you need- to- know information on the world's latest and greatest innovations.  You can access them on Ed's Amazon Author Page


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