News on Important Innovations: Collection

Volume 5:  Important Innovations Impacting Environment, Climate Change, Global Warming

Important Innovations:  Collection - Environment by Edward Kane

We're pleased to announce that Important Innovations:  Collection, Vol. 5 Important Innovations Impacting the Environment, Climate Change and Global Warming Across Industries was published by Amazon on Christmas Eve.  The book is published both as a paperback and a Kindle e-book.

The focus is the latest and most impactful innovations addressing global warming and the latest science tracking Climate Change.  It contains need-to-know news briefs on developments ranging from Harvard's solar geoengineering, China's floating solar farms, Africa's electronic waste recycling programs, Asia's Melting Glaciers, global high precision satellites tracking ice melt, a plant that clears indoor pollution and much more.

To check it out go to


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