Important Innovations Collection: The Flying Suit - Gravity Jet Suit

Jet Engine Powered Flying Suit

Source:  Gravity Industries Jet Suit

Defying Gravity and Flying On Your On Suit
This innovation -The Gravity Flying Suit - has been cited as one of the greatest inventions of 2018. It's a system invented by London based innovator Richard Browning that enables personal flight by 5, mini jet engines placed around the flyer's body.   One is in a backpack and four others are on the hands.  There is speed and a lot of potential including going electric.  For a great news blog on this go to my journalist colleague Ed Kane's blog at  Important Innovations Collection: The Flying Suit - Gravity Jet Suit: Suit with 5 Mini Jet Engines for Flying Source:  Gravity Industries' Jet Suit Dressing for Altitude The Gravity Jet Suit has bee...


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