Important Innovations Collection: Samsung Robot for Your Health

Multi-tasking Health Care Robot from Samsung

Source: Samsung's New Health Care Robot Assistant For Patients

New Robot with Functionality and Friendliness 
Samsung, the Japanese giant electronics company, just unveiled a robot to assist patients in need of health care monitoring and other patient needs.  It's being hailed as friendly with great functionality for patients and their families.  It can monitor biometrics like blood pressure and heart rates, prompt the patient to take their medicine and even serve as a companion when the patient needs someone to   communicate with. To learn about this great new and developing piece of robotic innovation, go to my journalist colleague Ed Kane's blog at Important Innovations Collection: Samsung Robot for Your Health: Bot Care-Giving from Samsung Source:  Samsung's Healthcare Bot Innovative Robotics Samsung has just unveiled may be the wo...  and to see his news stories on innovation, go to


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