Important Innovations Collection: Ai-Da Robot Artist

Humanoid Robot Artist - Ai-Da
Source:  Engineered Arts - Ai-Da being prepped by roboticist Mike Humphrey

Robotic Creation of Mastermind British Gallery Owner and Engineered Arts of UK

This robot creation answers the question are robots creative? Yes, they are capable of creativity including the arts, such as sketching a face. Ai-Da is the robotic genius concept of British gallery owner Aiden Meller, being developed by UK based Engineered Arts.  This AI enabled robot is opening an exhibit of its art at Oxford in May and in London in November.  The photo shows Ai-Da being prepped with lifelike features by roboticist Mike Humphrey.  For a great news blog, go to Important Innovations Collection: Ai-Da Robot Artist: Can Robots Be Creative? Yes! Source:  Ai-Da's Robotic Arm Sketching a Portrait Meet Ai-Da, the Robot Artist British robot...


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