Important Innovation Message

Message from Maryanne Kane of Important Innovations

Source:  Maryanne Kane, Host of CEO Global Foresight on PBS

Personal Message
This is perhaps the last moment or two I can connect with you on G+.  It's been great posting my news blogs on innovation here and seeing your views and likes. It provided a global communication source of what really matters and interests all of us about the future of innovation.  Many thanks and want you to know how much I've enjoyed reading your blogs on G+.

Journalist and Innovation
As a journalist and innovation explorer, I'll continue to post my news blogs on the latest and greatest new innovations.  You can follow me here on my blog.  My national journalist colleague (my brother) Ed Kane and I have co-authored 7 books and counting on innovations across industries.  You can get free borrows and reads at Ed's page   And I'm up on social media.  My email is  It's been a great experience.

Thanks and best,


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