Amazon's Multi-Tasking Drones

Package Deliveries and Surveillance

Source:  Amazon

US Patent for the Technology
Amazon has found yet another way to make potentially significant money.  It's just secured a patent to utilize its package delivery drones for security surveillance for its customers.

According to the patent, the surveillance would be limited by geofencing.  That's a technology which draws a virtual line around a property under surveillance.  According to the patent, the drone would record video of the customer's house at the customer's request for security.  The drone would pick up such issues as a broken window or open garage door.

Drones Ready for Takeoff
In the next few months, Amazon's fleet of delivery drones will start flying purchases to customers starting at a distance of 30 minutes or less.  Interestingly, Amazon filed for the patent to enable drone surveillance in 2015 and just received the patent this month.  No word on if or when Amazon will offer drone surveillance to its customers.


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