Tech: Kids Watching Flying Parents

For Kids: New Tech to Let Them Know Where Parents Are on Flights

Source: West Jet

Gadget for Connections In Flight
The WestJet Flight Light innovation is a gadget that enables children and their parents who are inflight to connect in real-time.  This is an interesting gadget that serves a need for millions of kids with parents who are travelling. WestJet is based in Canada and their invention provides kids a visual image of where their parents are as they travel by plane to a destination.  The image is on the ceiling of the child's room at night.

R/T Communications
This device communicates by Bluetooth with a smartphone App that the parent  uses to enter their flight at WestJet.  The flight data goes to the WestJet Flight Light where it's projected onto the ceiling, as a continuous updating airplane and flight map.  Parents can also send text messages and emogies for projection alongside the map.


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