Important Innovations Collection: Hyperloop's Boring Co. Raises Millions

Elon Musk's Boring Company - Hyperloops and Loops

Source:  The Boring Company CEO Elon Musk

Successful Round of Funding
There is nothing boring about Elon Musk's Boring Company. The entrepreneur plans to revolutionize transportation with a series of underground vacuum tubes for his Hyperloop and also his Loop system.  He just raised $117 million in funding from investors to advance his plans which include systems in LA, DC, Chicago and elsewhere.  For a great news blog on this, go to
Important Innovations Collection: Hyperloop's Boring Co. Raises Millions: Successful New Round of Funding Source:  Boring Company CEO Alon Musk Plans for LA, Chicago, Baltimore and More Elon Musk's Bori...


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