Important Innovations Collection: Synchronous Fireflies Rare & Mysterious

One of Nature's Most Beautiful, Unsolved Mysteries

Source:  Great Smoky Mountains National

Natural Wonder Light Shows
They are called Synchronous fireflies.  Thousands of them blink their lights in unison for ten seconds, go dark for a minute and then light up the forest again.  These fireflies are extremely rare and are found in only a few places around the world, including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee where they put on a magnificent light show from mid May to mid June every year. The Synchronous fireflies are a natural mystery that still baffle scientists.  For a great news blog with more details, go to
Important Innovations Collection: Synchronous Fireflies Rare & Mysterious: A Light Show That Baffles Scientists Source:  Great Smoky Mountains National Inspiration from Nature It's one of the m...


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