Google's AI & Health Care Ops

Using AI on Health Care is One of the Biggest Opportunities for 2020's, Google Thinks
Source:  Google

AI & Your Health
This is fascinating and directional advice on the future of artificial intelligence from the CEO of Google and its parent company Alphabet.  Sundar Pichai revealed, before the huge global corporate crowd at the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, that for the next five to ten years the greatest potential for using AI is to improve health care outcomes.  That is going to be a major focus for Google's development of AI. The Google CEO added that the tech giant will preserve the privacy of patients benefitting from the new AI powered devices and tech that Google will develop.  He made those comments today in Davos.

Potential Uses are Profound
CEO Pichai said the potential for this AI HC tech is profound.  His example in Davos was cancer.  If it means the difference in outcomes, the disease can be devastating. Pichai says on lung cancer, if five specialists agree and five others don't, AI can make the difference and make the diagnosis sooner, better and more treatable.  Google has spent several years using AI for medical uses, including to analyze MRI scans and other data, to develop better approaches to health diagnosis to identify diseases more quickly and cut costs.


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