Sustainable Investing to Fight CC

$7 Trillion Point of View

Source:  BlackRock's e-Banner

BlackRock Goes Green
BlackRock, based in New York City, is the world's largest asset manager with $7 Trillion under management.  CEO Larry Fink just announced that he's making fighting Climate Change a key part of his investment strategy. His focus is sustainable investing. He says that the dangerous impact of Climate Change is causing investors "to reassess core assumptions of modern finance."

Concrete Steps
Fink has a strategic plan that he's implementing.  Essentially, he's greatly escalating holdings in green, sustainable investment vehicles.  Specifically, he's:
  • Doubling BlackRock's sustainable ETFs to 150
  • Putting pressure on index providers to include more sustainable benchmarks
  • Selling $500 million worth of investments in thermal coal producers by July
  • Voting against boards and management who don't account for climate risk or don't have a sustainability plan.
Investing Advice
As a global investment leader, Fink's words and actions are unprecedented. For investors this dramatically underscores important new opportunities in green, sustainable investing. 


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