New Book "Electric Vehicles For All" by Edward Kane

On Amazon and Kindle

Latest 2020 EV's and Exciting Concept EV's
Journalist Edward Kane's latest book "Electric Vehicles for All" has just been published as an e-book on Kindle and a paperback on Amazon.  For a free sample read. go to
For anyone interested in electric vehicles, including mass appeal, affordable ones, Ed's  book profiles the latest 2020 EV's rolling out globally and exciting, brand new concept EV's that will be launching during the decade.

One Stop Information Source on EV's
Ed's book is a one-stop source for everything about EV's that you'll want to know including e- cars, e-trucks, e-SUV's, e-bikes, e-planes and flying taxis, along with the breakthrough technologies behind them.  To take a look at Ed's  books on new innovations, go to  I co-authored the books with Ed.


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