NASA Awards Contracts for Moon Spacecraft

Source:  Blue Origin & Jeff Bezos

Humans Back on the Moon by 2024
NASA just awarded contracts to three
companies to build spacecraft capable of
landing astronauts on the Moon.  Blue
Origin, the space company founded by
Amazon's Jeff Bezos, SpaceX founded by
Tesla's Elon Musk and Dynetics, a 
subsidiary of the IT company Leidos,
are the winners.

Is There Life in Space?
The contract is a big win for Bezos
and Blue Origin.  He has been urging
NASA to explore the Moon's south pole
where scientists have discovered water
in the form of ice.  Water is the key
ingredient that NASA targets in its
search for life in space.  Bezos has 
been pushing his Blue Moon lunar lander.
He's pulled in Lockheed Martin,
Northrup Grumman and Draper Labs
as part of his Blue Moon development
team.  According to Bezos, "We're not
going back to the Moon to visit.  We're
going back to stay."  Blue Origin
received the biggest contract: $579

NASA's Search Goals
NASA wants to set up a permanent
base on the south pole of the Moon.
NASA wants to explore how the ice might
sustain life and if there are any forms or
remnants of life in the ice.  Also, NASA
wants to determine  if the ice
could be converted into rocket
fuel for spacecraft in space.

Lunar Competition
SpaceX, Blue Origin and Dynetics
will be competing against each other
for the spacecraft development.
The plan is to fly the astronauts in 
the Orion spacecraft, built by
Lockheed Martin.  Orion would go into
lunar orbit where it would meet up and
dock with the new lander spacecraft, 
which would fly the astronauts to the

2024 Moon Landing
NASA is pressing ahead with its
goal to put humans on the Moon in
2024.  It would be the first time
since 1972.  The lunar mission is
called Artemis.  Before takeoff, the
US Congress must approve a budget 
for it, estimated at $35 billion to $50

Elon Musk's Vision of Space
With his company SpaceX,
Elon Musk wants to move
humanity deep into space. He
plans to start with a base on the
Moon and eventually have a
self-sustaining city on Mars.
Musk has enjoyed a series of
NASA wins.  On May 27, SpaceX 
will fly US astronauts to the 
International Space Station.  He
also won a $7 billion contract to
ferry supplies to the ISS.

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