AR Goggles For US Army Military Dogs

 US Army's Unique, Innovative Technology

                                                                Source:  US Army

Purpose: Better Communication, Protection & Safety For Soldier & Dog

The US Army is developing augmented reality goggles for military dogs to help them better protect their soldier partner and themselves.  The goal is to allow soldiers to give dogs specific directional commands when not in the direct line of sight.  This innovative technology development is being funded by the Small Business Innovation Research program. 

AR Goggles for Dogs vs. For People

AR goggles for dogs work very differently than for humans.  The Army Research Lab explains that the AR goggles will be used to provide military dogs with commands and cues.  It is not for the dog to interact with the world in the way humans do using AR goggles.

Tech Specifics

The equipment for the dogs include a pair of goggles, a camera and a display that fits over the dog's eyes.  A visual indicator provides the dog with visual cues on what to do.  Scientists are now working on making the equipment totally wireless.  The camera allows the soldier/handler to see exactly what the dog is seeing.  It's new technology to better communicate and work with military dogs for greater effectiveness and greater safety.


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