Pfizer COVID Vaccine Offers Hope

 Pfizer To Request Quick Emergency FDA Approval

Source:  Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Suddenly There Is Hope  

Pfizer has completed its late stage trial of its COVID-19 vaccine, saying it is 95% effective.  The company adds that it is effective on older adults, who are more vulnerable, and works against both mild and severe cases of COVID.  The company has the required 2 months of safety data for regulators.  Within days, Pfizer says it will apply for emergency FDA approval to start making it available for public use.  The vaccine's efficacy rate is the highest among all current vaccine candidate now in trials.  As the Economist magazine put it "Suddenly There is Hope".

"The Speed of Science"

Pfizer expects that the FDA will hold a public hearing on their vaccine in December.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says knowing that every day matters in the fight against COVID, the company is moving at what he calls "the speed of science".  The vaccine was developed jointly with German biotech BioNTech and Pfizer.  COVID has killed more than 1.3 million people globally.  The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, announced a few days ago, are raising hopes around the world that the end of the pandemic may be on the horizon.


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