Tesla Roadster With SpaceX Package

 Accelerates 0 to 60 mph in 1.1 Seconds

Source:  Tesla

Adding Extra Value to the EV's High Performance

Tesla is adding extra value to the new Roadster sportscar prototype as its gets ready to put the EV into production in 2022.  In a tweet, CEO Elon Musk said he is adding extra distinction to the car's already high performance.  From his space rocket company SpaceX, Musk is adding, what he calls, a SpaceX package to the vehicle.  That includes equipping the Roadster with a cold air rocket thruster positioned at the rear of the vehicle.  The rocket thruster will enable Roadster, according to Musk, to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 1.1 seconds.  That is unprecedented for a road car.  Musk also wants to put rocket thrusters around the car to give it even higher performance.

Tech Specs

The EV will feature Tesla's Plaid 3 electric motor powertrain design.  It has a 200 kWh battery pack that enables a range of at least 620 miles and speeds up to 250 mph.  Tesla plans to finalize the engineering on the car in 2021 and enter into production in 2022.  Tesla is also tweaking the car's design.  Musk promises that the 2022 Roadster will demonstrate the versatility and power of electric driving.  The base price of the vehicle is $200,000.  For a comprehensive look at electric vehicles, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B082GKV1ZY&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_8XX4B9GBGRE5XZ9NXV34


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