Future of Flying Cars from Asia

 India's Vinata Aeromobility - 1st Hybrid Flying Car from Asia

                                    Source:  Vinata Flying Car
                                    Source: Vinata Flying Drone
                                    Source:  Vinata Logo

                     Source:  Flying Car Concept
                            Source:  GM Flying Car Concept
                            Source:  Flying Car Concept

Unveiling in October in London

Flying car concepts are starting to accelerate as major automotive makers like GM enter the race to be the first to market.  Now, Vinata Aeromobility of Chennai Tamil, India will unveil Asia's first hybrid-electric flying car in October at Excel London, which is the world's largest helitech expo.  The vehicle is veiled in secrecy. Pictures of it are deeply blacked out, but the company says it is a two-seat prototype powered by electricity and biofuel for sustainability.  The company is also developing a fully autonomous, hybrid air cargo UAM (urban air mobility) vehicle with a payload capacity of 441 pounds, that will also be unveiled at Excel London.  Vinata is backed by deep pockets investor/businessman Mohan Paroha who has extensive business interests in India and Europe.

eVTOL with Lots of Tech

The flying car is an eVTOL that takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter.  It has digital instrument panels with artificial intelligence to make driving and flying "easy and hassle free", according to the company.  It contains GPS tracking, entertainment systems and panoramic windows that provide a 300 degree view.  The range is 62 miles, top speed is 75 mph, maximum flight time is one hour and the maximum flight altitude is 3,000 feet.  The company says the vehicle has a stunning exterior and luxurious interior. 

More Tech Specs

The eVTOL weighs 2425 pounds and can carry a maximum takeoff weight of 2866 pounds.  It has a co-axial quad rotor configuration and a distributed electric propulsion system which provides extra safety through redundancies of multiple motors and rotors.  There is also a backup power system that can provide electricity to the motors should there be a generator power interruption.  Finally, there are airbags in the cockpit and the added failsafe of an ejection parachute.  No price or name has been provided yet.  But the company expects to launch the vehicle in 2023. Can't wait to see it. To take a look at Edward Kane's latest book "Cool New Vehicles Revealed" go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09CN2QWT4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ZJZ9P49F75RMPGGR98VT   I co-authored the book with Ed.


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