New US Jumbo Jet Concept - Revolutionary

 SE Aeronautics' New SE 200 Could Revolutionize Flying

                                   Source:  SE Aeronautics

Short Takeoff & Landing Potential

SE Aeronautics of Alabama is developing a revolutionary new, tri-wing commercial jumbo jet concept.  The SE 200 has a very disruptive and innovative design approach.  Besides the tri-wings, there are a double tail fin and two engines on the back of the plane.  It can carry 264 passengers at a speed of nearly Mach 1, all the while using 70% less fuel than a similar sized jet, greatly reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.

Highly Advanced Technology and Many Advantages

Some aviation experts believe that the SE 200 could revolutionize the aviation industry.  The prototype is configured with a high lift wing design which enables short distance takeoffs and landings.  That would increase the number of smaller airports that the aircraft could service.  The vehicle has a range of 10,560 miles and can hit top speeds of Mach .90 or 690 mph.  It is much faster than other jets in its class.

Aerodynamic Efficiencies

The SE 200's fuel supply is stored in a bladder in the top of the plane, instead of in the wings which is current, normal practice for jumbo jets.  With no fuel storage capacity, the wings are designed to be thinner and much more aerodynamic.  The SE 200's fuselage is a single piece of tough composite, not the usual group of large pieces bolted together that break apart on impact in an accident.  SE Aeronautics says the design and composite materials will make the SE 200 the most efficient aircraft ever built.  They add it can be built in half the time that it takes for other planes of its size.  SE Aeronautics continues to develop this aircraft and is building a team to support an eventual rollout.   


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