US Navy/Skydweller Aero Solar Plane Skywalker

 Skywalker Can Fly for 90 Days Straight

Source:  Skydweller Aero

New Green Travel Technology

The US Navy is developing, in conjunction with aerospace company Skydweller Aero, a breakthrough solar powered plane that is pilotless and can fly nonstop for 90 days straight.  It is called Skywalker and the solar technology powering the plane is spectacular.  There are 2,900 square feet of solar cells on the wings which generate 2 kilowatts of power.  The solar plane can soar nearly 46,000 feet into the air and cruise at 100 knots.  The potential uses for this aircraft are fascinating.  It can serve as a conceptual technology platform for green commercial air travel in the future.  It will be used as a communications platform for the US Navy to monitor and communicate with naval ships.  Skywalker is considered an unprecedented autonomous system for commercial and government uses in telecom, transportation, meteorology, geospatial applications and first responder systems.  It is clearly a very important new form of global air travel.

Solar Impulse Roots

The technology is the next generation of the famous, manned Solar Impulse plane that circumnavigated the world in 2015 and 2016, but had to land every 5 days.  That Swiss plane, which set world, sun- powered flight records, is being developed by Skydweller Aero, a US-Spanish aerospace company headquartered in Oklahoma City. Skydweller bought the Solar Impulse aircraft and the international patent. Now, working with the US Navy, Skydweller is building the Solar Impulse aircraft into the world's 1st, solar powered, unmanned perpetual flight vehicle. The new version, Skywalker, won't have a cockpit.  The space will be used for the autonomous technology.  The wings are 236 feet long and loaded with solar cells.  Skydweller Aero says it may add hydrogen fuel cells for additional distance and reliability.  The aircraft is undergoing rigorous testing for takeoffs, landings and flight.  It will then be sent on a 90 day endurance flight.  Skywalker is an exciting look into the future of green, solar powered, zero emissions flying.  To take a look at one of Edward Kane's latest books "The Future of Flying", go to    I co-authored the book with Ed.


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