E-Scooter Called World's Smartest Scooter

 Unagi's Model 11 Is Smart, Electric Micro Mobility

                                    Source:  Unagi Model 11

Camera Based Driver Assistance, Obstacle Avoidance & More

Unagi of Oakland, CA has unveiled its new electric scooter Model 11, which is being called the smartest scooter in the world.  It is electric, loaded with artificial intelligence, plays music via Bluetooth, connects to the Google Maps Navigation System and avoids obstacles and potholes.  It is also extremely lightweight as it is largely composed of a very lightweight material called long carbon fiber, which is typically used in aerospace applications  The company says it is the lightest, full suspension electric scooter on the global market.  It is also at the head of the class for smart technologies.

Incredibly Smart Technology

Model 11 is the world's first, 2 wheel device to have "Collision Protect AI".  The integrated advanced driver-assistance system detects objects in the driver's periphery vision and warns of any impending collision or danger.  It provides both audio warnings through the vehicle's integrated audio system and visual warning on the vehicle's display. This scooter can differentiate between cars, people, stoplights, stop signs and inanimate objects.  It has an alarm system to protect against theft, camera based driver assistance, a motion detector and interchangeable batteries.  The company says it is the most revolutionary vehicle to hit the micro mobility market since its inception.

Tech Specs

Model 11 has two electric motors that generate 500 watts of power.  It can reach speeds of 30 mph and it offers a range from its interchangeable batteries of 24 kilometers (15 miles) on a charge.  The price range for Model 11 is from $2,440 to $2,860.  It can be pre-ordered for purchase. To take a look at many more new electric vehicles, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09CN2QWT4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_62FD23XKMC7SPECZT94Z


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