World's 1st Totally Green Submarine

 UK's Oceanways Subs Run on Hydrogen

                                        Source:  Oceanways

Carries Cargo and Simultaneously Cleans Water Pollution

In the United Kingdom,  maritime innovation company Oceanways has created award winning and unique, green hydrogen-powered submarines.  These green subs are fully autonomous and they are the world's first fully hydrogen-powered submarines.  They serve a dual purpose.  They carry cargo and simultaneously collect microplastics from the waters they are moving through.  This technology is so revolutionary it has won the UK's top prize for clean maritime innovation.  The UK's Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition is designed to support the development of innovative technologies to achieve Prime Minister Boris Johnson's commitment to zero emissions commercial shipping by 2025.  Oceanways also plans to use the green subs to eventually transport people as a zero emissions transportation system of the future.

On a Green Mission

The green subs are designed to be "net positive" by running on hydrogen and collecting microplastics.  The subs will start with a pilot route between Belfast, Northern Ireland and Glasgow, Scotland to begin operations.  During the first year of hauling cargo on the route, the fully hydrogen-powered subs will save 27 tons in carbon dioxide emissions.  As the fleet grows, Oceanways says the green subs will save 300 million tons in carbon dioxide emissions.  The green subs not only provide decarbonized shipping, they also clean the waters they travel through of microplastic pollution.  The UK government believes this is best in class maritime innovation and has awarded Oceanways R&D funding through the government's green maritime funding program.


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