World's Biggest Hybrid Airship


Airlander 10 - World's Largest Hybrid Aircraft

 Source: Airlander 10

Airlander 10 - Unique Travel Vehicle

The world's largest aircraft, known as Airlander 10, is a hybrid vehicle that's part airship/blimp, plane and helicopter.  Its capabilities are remarkable.  The flying "cruise ship" can carry up to 100 people and emits 90% less emissions than other aircraft.  It is the innovative creation of Hybrid Air Vehicles of Bedfordshire, England and it will start carrying passengers in 2025.  Airlander 10 has been designed to be a very different flying experience with zero emissions by 2030.

New Aviation Technologies & Key Operational Stats

The aircraft uses both aerodynamics and lighter-than-air technologies to generate lift. Airlander 10 relies on a gigantic "balloon" of helium to get into the air.  When in the air, 4 hybrid electric propellers on each corner of the aircraft move it forward.  Each of those propeller engines will be fully electric by 2030 with zero emissions.  Liquid hydrogen fuel cells power the electric motors.  The hydrogen is pumped into the fuel cell to mix with oxygen and produce electricity.  The technology potentially allows this unique aircraft to stay aloft for several weeks.  Current capabilities put the flight endurance to stay aloft at 5 days.  The 4 hybrid electric engines will cut CO2 emissions by 90% when Airlander becomes operational in 2025. The British company says that all 4 engines will be electric with zero emissions by 2030.  The maximum payload is 10 tons.  The vehicle has a range of 4,000 nautical miles and a maximum altitude of 20,000 feet.  Cruising altitude is below 10,000 feet and the speed is a gentle 80 mph.  It is clearly a very different, greener and more cruise like flying experience.

Interior is Reconfigurable

The aircraft is 302 feet long, which is 60 feet longer than the world's largest passenger plane, the Airbus 380. It can travel to and land on any flat surface, including water.  The interior of the "cruise ship in the sky" can be reconfigured for specific uses. There are spectacular floor to ceiling views.  It can house 90 seats for a sightseeing tour.  It can be turned into 8 super suites or be fitted with a banquet table to seat 40 guests for a sumptuous meal in the skies.  There are also a bar, lounge and see-through floors to watch the waves splash below.  A gigantic helium filled hull separates the engines from the cabin so there is little noise, no vibration and the aircraft is so big, the company says there is little turbulence.

Different Mode of Green Travel

Airlander 10 is a unique new form of air travel whose emissions are drastically cut by 90% as a result of its hybrid electric power system and will be zero emissions with totally electric engines by 2030.  It can travel virtually anyplace.  Its purpose is to reinvent flying from being a way to get from A to B as quickly as possible.  Airlander 10's goal is to make flying a joyful and fun experience to savor and enjoy the beauty of the journey that is emissions free. Hybrid Air Vehicles is working on the cost per passenger trip, destinations and how you book yourself a trip for 2025. 


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