New Robot Could Be Your Best Friend

 Gary the Robot Does Laundry, Brings Coffee & Cleans

                             Source:  Unlimited Robotics' Gary

A Very Versatile Robot For Home and Business

For most of us, Gary the robot could be a dream come true.  He can do household chores like vacuuming and doing the laundry (load and unloading the washer) that most of us wouldn't mind not doing.  Developed in Israel by Unlimited Robotics he is one of the world's most versatile robots.  And, he will be available for customers in 2022.

Incredible Functionality

Gary weighs 88 pounds, is about 4.5 feet tall and can move at 3.1 mph.  He is designed to work in homes and businesses.  His functionality seems endless.  He can pickup socks, water plants, clean toilets, open jars, put bags of groceries into the trunk of a car, load the dishwasher and more.  For businesses, he can carry up to 11 pounds and move packages around a warehouse.  For restaurants, he can greet guests and serve food to tables.  For hotels, he can resupply rooms and change bed sheets.  Incredibly, Unlimited Robotics is still embedding him with programming instructions.

State of the Art Robotic Technology and Apps

Gary's smart sensors and depth cameras are state of the art.  For instance, he's equipped with a camera that can take a 3-dimensional view of a room and he has an infrared camera to see in the dark.  And what is highly unusual is you can provide Gary with more skills by downloading apps.  So, for instance, if you want Gary to watch your dog, you download the app from Unlimited Robotics and you are all set.

Pricing and Uses

Gary is priced at $5,900.  The company is offering an installment plan of $100 per month.  To reserve Gary for purchase, a $99 fee is required.  Unlimited Robotics sees many end markets for Gary including homes, sports stadiums, hospitals, schools, museums, nursing homes and much more.  The company has raised seed money to develop and produce Gary.  For investors, they are also finalizing a $15 million Series A funding round.  To take a look at many more epic innovations of potential interest to investors, go to


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