Embraer's 4 New Green Plane Concepts

 4 New Breakthrough Green Flying Concepts

                                        Source: Embraer

Sustainable Flying Takes Off

Brazilian based aircraft manufacturer Embraer has introduced 4, low to zero emissions aircraft designs that it is calling "new disruptive green technologies" for sustainable flying.  The planes are small prop driven design concepts.  They are called the Energia line and offer four options with variable flying approaches. All 4 approaches offer very low to zero carbon emissions. Embraer says they are developing these planes as small models from 9 to 50 passengers.  But they add that the new planes can later be scaled up into much larger planes.

Breakthrough Green Aviation Technology

The new plane concepts include:

  • The Energia Gas Turbine which can carry 50 passengers and is powered by hydrogen or sustainable aviation fuel.
  • The Energia Hybrid which seats 9 passengers and has 2 rear mounted electric engines to take off and soar. A combustion engine operates during cruising and emissions are cut by 90% when running on sustainable aviation fuel.  The plane has a 500-mile range and may be launched in 2030.
  • The Energia Electric is fully electric powered and can carry 9 passengers.  The range is 200 miles. Launch is targeted for 2035. It has a wide, glider like wing and a counter rotating prop powered by electricity mounted on the rear of the plane.
  • The Energia Fuel Cell has 2, rear mounted electric engines powered by hydrogen fuel cells with a 230-mile range. 
There is yet another piece of breakthrough, green aviation technology that Embraer is developing. It's called the H2 Gas Turbine plane that runs on hydrogen or sustainable aviation fuel.  It can carry 50 people and has a range of 370 miles on hydrogen and 575 miles on sustainable aviation fuel. Embraer has already tested a hydrogen demonstrator plane and plans to unveil a fully developed model in 2025. 


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