Enchanting Book for Children During Holidays

  "How Dare You" by Edward Kane

On Amazon as E-Book, Hardcover, Paperback & Audiobook

If you're searching for a Christmas or Hanukah gift for a child 6 to 10 years old, here is a great idea.  Edward Kane's children's fiction story "How Dare You" is set in an enchanted forest that takes the young reader on a magical journey filled with fascinating adventures for a young cross country team to run through.  The team builds friendships, learns important lessons to overcome shyness and to see the goodness in those around you.  All of this happens in the midst of an enchanting dream that magically bursts into reality for kids to learn by.                   

Multiple Format Versions       

The story is presented in a number of formats on Amazon.  It can be purchased as an e-book, audiobook narrated by national TV journalist Maryanne Kane, a paperback and as a beautiful hardback created by Amazon.  To take a look, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07YQ4T1CJ&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_AZFEA7XGE5J298GENTYQ


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