Hydrogen-Solar Powered E-Bike - New Tech

 World First From the Netherlands & Australia

                                    Source:  Studio MOM

LAVO Hydrogen, Solar Powered Battery E-Bike

Dutch e-bike manufacturer Studio MOM  and hybrid hydrogen battery maker LAVO of Australia have invented a world first - a hydrogen powered electric bike that can transport heavy cargo over long distances.  MOM says the hydrogen battery is much lighter than lithium-ion batteries typically used in e-bikes.  As a result, the cargo bike can carry heavier loads for longer distances with zero emissions.

Breakthrough Battery Technology

The LAVO hydrogen battery, developed at the University of New South Wales, uses solar energy to distill hydrogen from water.  The hydrogen is absorbed into a patented metal hydride and converts into battery power.  The e-bike is the first commercial application of the battery.  MOM integrates the battery into the bike's modular frame that comes together like legos

New Green Travel on Green Hydrogen Power

Both the e-bike and LAVO battery are breakthrough new green technologies.  The LAVO unit stores up to 40Wh of hydrogen which is enough to power a house for 2 days.  The e-bike is the first to be powered by hydrogen and is expected to go to market in the near future.  LAVO says there are many practical, lifestyle- type uses for the LAVO hydrogen unit, including for green barbecues.


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