Porsche & Boeing Developing Flying Car

 Boeing & Porsche Partner on Flying Porsches

              Source:  Porsche & Boeing Flying Car Concepts

Multinational Research Effort

Porsche and Boeing are combining their respective sports car and aircraft expertise to create a flying Porsche for your personal commuting.  An international team of experts from Chicago based Boeing and German based Porsche are coming together to work on the development project in three R&D locations: Germany, Switzerland and the United States.  Porsche will design the vehicle's body.  Boeing will engineer and develop the airborne vehicle's capabilities.  

Air Traffic Control and Regulatory Environment

The two global companies are also taking on a much wider challenge to ensure the eventual rollout of their new flying car technologies and other flying cars and urban air mobility systems.  They intend to focus on air traffic control and the regulatory environment for flying cars, including a new air traffic management system.  National and global regulatory systems have to be established to support the widespread use of everyday flying cars.  Boeing and Porsche are teaming to tackle the establishment of a system to enable flying cars to integrate into national and global air traffic control systems. 

Increasing Global Efforts on Urban Air Mobility Underway

There is big money potential and also big market opportunities for the emerging flying car and e-VTOL industry.  Global investment house Morgan Stanley estimates that the urban air mobility market will be valued at $4 trillion by 2040.  Porsche and Boeing are among the many global players jumping in.  Another key group of players is the team that Japan put together and is working with.  The group includes Uber Technologies and Boeing.  Their mission is to create a new flying car system for Japan. As for Boeing and Porsche, they are targeting the creation of a marketable and commercially successful flying Porsche, along with the regulatory infrastructure to support its take-offs and landings in the US and globally.  To take a look at many more flying concepts, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B098PH12XB&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_08QF51G2HSZQ5A04KH1FPo


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