Tesla's ATV Cyberquad for Kids

 Kids' 4-Wheel All-Terrain-Vehicle

                                        Source:  Tesla

From Tesla, Zero Emissions Fun

Tesla is launching an electric, quad-bike called "Cyberquad for Kids".  The 4-wheel, all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) is inspired by the much- anticipated Tesla Cybertruck, the all-electric pickup truck that has been billed as Tesla CEO Elon Musk's pet project.  The kids' Cyberquad is priced at $1900 and will start to ship, first in the US, in the next two to four weeks.  This is another surprise product from the world's leading electric vehicle automaker.  In the past year, Tesla also launched Tesla Tequila and the Tesla bot.

Electric ATV for Kids 8 Years Old and Up

Tesla, on their website says, the Cyberquad is designed for kids 8 years old and more to enjoy.  It is all electric and powered by a lithium-ion battery.  The ATV reaches top speeds of 10 mph and has a range of 15 miles on a charge.  It has an all-steel frame, cushioned seat, adjustable suspension, rear disk brakes and LED light bars.  As for the ATV's inspiration, the Tesla Cybertruck,  it has been delayed from its market launch because of global supply chain problems.  The Cybertruck is touted by Tesla as being speedy and powerful with a range of 500 miles, towing capability of 14,000 pounds and a base price of $40,000.  To take a look at many more, new epic innovations, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09K6TJ8YX&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_S3SA4FJQ7Z43J0WH6GYR


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