Unique VTOL Plane - Vox

Vox's Vertical Takeoff & Landing Aircraft

                                    Source:  Vox Aircraft

Plane Can Land on Any Helipad - World First

For the past 30 years, Chicago-based aviation company Vox Aircraft has been developing a unique, hybrid aircraft that takes off and lands like a helicopter.  The vertical takeoff and landing vehicle (VTOL) is now a reality.  It's a hybrid electric plane that can provide point to point travel at two to three times the speed of a helicopter.  And, the plane doesn't need an airport.  It can land on any helipad.  The company says that it is "the world's first hybrid aircraft".  Also of significance, it burns half of the fuel that a similarly sized rotorcraft consumes.  So, it enables greener flying.

Tech Specs

The plane has four turbofans embedded in the fixed wings for vertical takeoffs and landings.  It also has a single rear rotor that provides forward thrust. The hybrid power system is blended to accommodate green energy like electricity and traditional fuel.  The company is exploring utilizing hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The battery bank provides 8 minutes of power, 8 minutes of reserve power and recharges during sustained flight.  The large, fixed wings provide a 17 to 1 glide ratio, providing extra safety in the event of an engine failure. 

Several Versions Being Developed

There are several versions of the VTOL under development.  A 250 kW, all-electric version will have a range of 200 miles.  A conventional fuel, hybrid version will have a range of 400 miles, speeds up to 200 mph and be capable of carrying a load of 800 pounds.

Plans for Vox

The company hopes to be airborne for testing in 2022 and reach certification by 2026.  The VTOL can be used for civilian and military purposes, but the primary target is for use as a regional commuting aircraft.  Vox says their dual power system and enclosed rotors can be deployed in a variety of airframes from a drone sized vehicle to a mid-sized plane.  It is a unique look at the future of greener travel.  For many, more, new flying concepts under development, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B093J89VF5&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_Z6129SY4A0C8AGZ1QPFS 


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