Aston Martin's New SUV & James Bond

 Venerable Brand Targets Return to Profitability with DBX

                                    Source:  Aston Martin

007 James Bond's Car of Choice

UK-based Aston Martin is an historic luxury car brand that epitomizes prestige, beauty, performance, speed and panache.  It was 007 James Bond's car of choice for his spy movie adventures.  Now to bring in new customers and sustain its future, Aston Martin has created what's being called a "super SUV" - the DBX.  The DBX is of the upmost importance to Aston Martin.  The company hopes it will return it to profitability and ensure its long-term survival. 

Style and Price

The DBX is huge, sleek, curvy and pricey at nearly $190,000.  The powertrain was developed with Aston Martin's partner Mercedes-AMG.  They upgraded a 4-liter turbocharged V8 to pump out more than 542 hp.  Mercedes also provided the infotainment system, the interior seating and a full suite of driving modes.  The vehicle is elegant, luxurious and spacious.  Top speed is 181 mph.

Eco-Friendly Cruising

The DBX is said to have exceptional maneuverability, body control and "composure" at speed.  It is not an electric SUV but it does offer a 9-speed automatic transmission which includes eco-friendly cruising to sustained acceleration in gear.  Some automotive experts believe that the DBX has what it takes to save the venerable brand. The company is betting the farm on it.  Aston Martin is now owned by group of investors led by Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stroll. 


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