LG's Vision OMNIPOD - Big at CES 2022

 Lifestyle on Autonomous Wheels

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Fascinating Future of Travel

South Korea based electronics giant LG unveiled one of the most fascinating and avant-garde travel vehicle concepts at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022 in Las Vegas.  Called the Vision OMNIPOD, the concept offers an intriguing perspective on the future of travel.  It's an autonomous travel vehicle designed for entertainment and lifestyle and showcases the most advanced technologies.  The modular vehicle contains modular household appliances that can be put into use as you drive along autonomously. Uniquely, it contains a digital avatar called Reah that serves as your artificial intelligence (AI) guide and personal assistant as you travel. Reah can also respond to various cabin themes from gaming to working.  LG calls Vision OMNIPOD a mobile, futuristic cabin concept that can reconstruct the customer's space for specific needs.

Rolling Showcase of Emerging Technologies

Vision OMNIPOD is a spectacular platform for emerging technologies.  It is an autonomous shuttle that has a direct connection to the metaverse and can reconfigure in real-time using a "Meta Environment Screen". The interior is adaptive.  The avatar can adjust the interior of the cabin to various themes, including turning it into a gaming room with a huge LED display or reconstructing it into a peaceful place to sleep. The avatar can also connect the occupants to augmented reality (AR) inside the vehicle, provide navigation options, give advice on restaurants and much more.  

One of the Best in Show at CES 2022

Some tech magazines have cited Vision OMNIPOD as among the best concepts and self-driving cars in the CES 2022.  LG's vision of the future of smart travel is unique and fascinating.  OMNIPOD also provides LG with a platform to showcase their technologies, appliances, vision, expertise and much more.  To take a look at many more future concept and emerging vehicles, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08YTGFCG2&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_4D7DFHC7X3HKNVZVE9FQ


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