Ola e-Scooters Developing e-Car

 Ola's Very Popular Lineup of Electric Scooters

                                        Source:  Ola Electric

Company Now Designing an Electric Car

India based Ola Electric Mobility is a very popular maker of two-wheeled electric scooters.  The company is now expanding its innovative portfolio to include electric cars.  The electric concept car is sleek, smoothly designed and a hatchback that sports a lot of glass.  The startup company, with financial backing from Japan's Softbank Group, says it will launch the electric car in 2023.  The company's goal is to make itself and India a global epicenter for electric vehicles.

Hyperchargers and Electrifying Scooters

Ola is currently installing 4,000 charging stations with hyperchargers throughout India for its e-scooters and new e-car. Ola says it can provide 50% of a 100% charge in 18 minutes. Concerning the e-scooters there are two models: the Ola S1 and more powerful Ola S1 Pro. The Ola S1 is powered by a 2.98 kWh battery pack. The S1 has a range of 75 miles and top speed of 59 mph.  The Pro has a more powerful 3.97 kWh battery.  The Pro's top speed is 72 mph and a range of 112 miles.  The starting price for the e-scooters is $1,342.00

Highly Advanced Tech

The e-scooters come with a lot of highly advanced technology.  There's a dedicated app to monitor the charge level in real-time.  It has cloud connectivity, keyless App based access, LED lights, telescopic front suspension, disc brakes, a digital instrument panel and more. Concerning the new electric car, the price, type of electric motors, range and battery packs haven't been finalized yet as it is still a concept vehicle. To take a look at many new travel vehicles under development, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08S958SBV&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_GXHJGQXZ63JTZNNT8ZRV


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