S. Africa's Sunchaser 4 - Unique Solar Car

 Global Pursuit of Zero Emissions Driving

                     Source:  Tshwane University of Technology

Unique Solar Car Technology From a University

Faculty and students at South Africa's Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) have invented a fourth-generation solar car, called Sunchaser 4. They have been developing this innovative piece of green technology since 2014.  Sunchaser 4 is successfully being driven to locations around Africa to showcase the power of solar driving technology and to get young people, particularly school children, excited about the valuable applications of renewable energy.  The very unusual looking and uniquely designed vehicle is currently being showcased in Namibia. The vehicle has won international awards and delivers the longest distance and lowest energy use of any solar car in Africa.  Sunchaser 4 is yet another example of the global pursuit of zero emissions, solar powered vehicles that travel in harmony with nature, instead of contaminating it with carbon emissions.

Tech Specs

The new solar EV is a single seater composed of lightweight carbon fiber.  It has a 2 kilowatt in-wheel electric motor and a 1 kilowatt, roof-mounted solar panel system. The goal of the TUT journey is to complete 1,338 miles of driving while continuously testing all the new technologies on the vehicle that they have invented. It can travel up to 75 mph and handily cruise at 60 mph.  It has a range on a charge of 342 miles.  To say the least, the design is unique and distinctive with a cockpit seat for just the driver.  It is a very new perspective on the look, style and design of a zero-emissions car.  However, the TUT team also has a new multi-seat solar car now under development.  To take a look at more epic new rides, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08S958SBV&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_MHEPRXY4767ANZ3REX5Y


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