Japan's Flying/Driving Taxis To Take Off

 Sky and Drive Commuting in Japan 

                                            Source:  SkyDrive

Automaker & Flying Car Startup Partner on Flying/Driving Taxis

One of the world's leading automotive and motorcycle makers Suzuki and Japanese flying taxi startup SkyDrive are partnering to launch fleets of flying taxis, first in the Osaka Bay area of Japan in 2025.  SkyDrive's new vehicle called SD-XX is an eVTOL or electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle that operates like a helicopter and doesn't need a traditional runway to take-off from and land on.  Of big interest, SD-XX can drive to other locations once it lands.  SkyDrive has big backers in Toyota, Panasonic and Fujitsu.  SkyDrive intends to put the SD-XX prototype into commercial production in 2023.  Now partnering with Suzuki on R&D, manufacturing and mass production systems, SkyDrive will likely be able to bring large numbers of vehicles to market.

Highly Advanced Travel Technology

SD-XX is a 2-seat vehicle.  It is quite small at just 13 feet long, 11.5 feet wide and 5 feet tall.  It operates on 8 propellers with a range of 12 miles and can fly up to 62 mph at an altitude up to 1,640 feet.  It comes with a more efficient flying mode that enables a cruising speed of 37 mph and a 20-mile range.  The Japanese partnership and plans for this new flying taxi are important and significant for the future of travel.  SkyDrive has been working for some time with the government of Japan to clear regulatory approvals in order to enable SD-XX to fly and drive.  


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