Jet Ski For the Sky - Flying Machine

 Sweden's Jetson One

                                    Source:  Jetson Aero

Strap Yourself in For an Aerial Spin

Sweden's Jetson Aero has developed Jetson One, an electric, single-seat personal aircraft that breaks the mold for access to personal flying.  It is relatively inexpensive at $92,000 and largely flies itself in drone-like fashion. It does not require a pilot's license. It is extremely lightweight at 190 pounds but can carry a pilot that weighs up to 210 pounds.  The aircraft is totally electric powered and there are zero emissions.

Tech Specs

The vehicle operates on eight electric motors and a powerful, high discharge lithium-ion battery.  It can take you places and at a good speed.  The range on a charge is 20 minutes flying time and the aircraft can hit speeds of 63 mph.  It takes only an hour to charge the vehicle.  It is an eVTOL, meaning it takes off and lands like a helicopter from a driveway or garden. It is designed for sheer fun flying. The company calls it "the Jet Ski of the ski". Vehicles like Jetson One cannot fly near an airport or over densely populated areas.  But they can be flown over more rural locations like shorelines, forests and lakes for rides with thrilling views.

Drone Like Flying

Jetson One has been designed like a drone to enable anyone to fly. The highly advanced and automated software that it contains make it so easy to fly that the "pilot" just needs a 5-minute briefing.  As mentioned, it does not require a pilot's license. Jetson One contains highly advanced obstacle avoidance technologies including lidar sensors and terrain tracking to avoid obstacle collisions.  There are handsfree hovering, emergency functions, automated landing functions, a ballistic rapid-deployment parachute in case of an emergency and much more.  If you're ready for an aerial spin, you can reserve it for $22,000 with $70,000 due when it is ready to be delivered.  For more stories like this, go to


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